Interlude From Grinding pt2

A fish in shark clothing

A fish in shark clothing

At the moment my appetite to grind out games for hours on end is very low at the moment. It could be the seasonal weather (I always felt I suffered from Seasonal Adjusted Disorder), or, it could be that bleeps and clicks are not doing it for me at the moment. This is making me a little bit fishy in the way I play poker. Instead of chewing and spitting out my opponents I am talking risk as a way to spice up the game. So I need a break.

Here is another of my interludes from grinding moments and it is a corker it features a very rude man who smashes over $100,000 of vodka and brandy. Also to add to the general distraction I also feature the classic Hard Times/Love Action remix by The Human League nom de plume League Unlimited apparently a nod to Barry Whites Love Unlimited Orchestra (not a lot of people know that). Enjoy!

Things To Do When Bored With Poker #6

How funny was that 🙂



Hard Times/Love Action

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