50 Shades Of Grey, or, Why Is Mummy Porn Cool?

50 Shades of Grey

50 Shades of Grey

Gilbert Gottfried Reads Fifty Shades of Grey

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 Before I give my views and opinion, let me first say that I have not read the book. All the guys I the guys I know have not read the book. However, we have all feel the effects of the book with women coming up and giving us men their in depth views and critique about the books subject.

It seems that it has managed to free women from pressure of being demure in the presence of men. Women now have the right to say ”…I want deviant sex as much as a man….” which, in my view,  is absolutely fine and dandy especially if I am on the receiving end of this mission!

A lot of feminist are saying that it encourages bad writing and other naughty behaviour. From what I have heard it is clear that it is a book in which the author has probably never done anything as subversive as Sado-masochist sex. She seems to be ‘painting by numbers’ when it comes to describing the sexual encounters. This maybe an indictment but when you hear the way describe the whole experience of reading book, they do n ot seem to mind they love the idea of a load or women getting together and sharing the experience of reading the book.

In a way it is the same that happened with Harry Potter books. People were openly reading them on the tube and discussing the merits of each episode. Likewise %0 Shades of Grey allow women to openly discuss the book, its topics and whether it is worth their while to get all hot and flustered with the partners their with or should they leave it to the imagination and make sure the electricity bill is paid by the weekend.

Every now and then we in the UK need some major trivial distraction to make us do something intellectual, and, 50 Shades of Grey is filling the desire for intellectual stimulation. It just so happens to make sexual encounters more interesting especially when you are made an offer to ‘….stick it up … …..!’ If you know what I mean?

Maybe women were always this way? It is clear that the amount of times I have heard ”…I never normally do this….”, it has become a cliché. There is nothing wrong with carnal desires, and, the book has seemed to open the way for debate amongst women about all sorts of things such as massage parlours and why they seem to get away in being openly brothels, rape in marriage, abortion, religion and the sexual imperative,  is a sadism a legitimate pursuit for a man with money to inflict on a woman without money etc etc?

These are big topics and as education free people from religious, cultural and societal restraint we will get more of this type of discussions, and why not?

Mummy porn is cool! What it will do for society in the future we will never know. As Mao once said when asked about the French Revolution, we wont know for at least another 100 years.