Lauren Bacall Dies

Lauren Bacall  (September 16, 1924 – August 12, 2014)

Lauren Bacall (September 16, 1924 – August 12, 2014)

The actress that became the template for sultry, husky voiced temptress died last night. Lauren Bacall died after a massive stroke at the age of 89. She became known for having ‘The Look’ which sent men wild and women into a quivering jellies.

She enhanced her dark and dangerous reputation by being difficult to work with and marrying the hell raiser Humphrey Bogart. On top of this Lauren Bacall had a sensational line of oneliners and off the cuff quips. Here are some of her famous ones:

”Stardom isn’t a profession, it’s an accident.”

”You can’t always be a leading lady.”

”What is the point of working all your life and then stopping?”

”I wish Frank Sinatra would just shut up and sing…. (she had an affair with Frank Sinatra).”

One of the most recent part she had was in The Sopranos in which she was a victim of gangster Christopher Moltisanti. In it, it clearly shows the reputation she had as a fighter and was quite a poignant part giving the nature of the subject and the glamorization of gangsters. 

The Sopranos – Christoper robs Lauren Bacall

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