Reynard News Present: God Save The Donald

Reynard News

God Save The Donald

As the climax or anti-climax come to an end with a week before the appointment to the most important job in the free world, we hold a ‘life coaching’ session to see why Donald Trump may or may not have connected with the US electorate.

With the polls of Trump heading South in the sense that it looks like Hillary Clinton is going to win the election, we speculate that Donald Trump decides to do a live life coach session to show the people of the US that he has the leadership quality the nation needs, and, that his strength of personality would ‘….Make America Great Again…’!

The life coaching session is a major attempt on changing the trajectory of the race with a week to go what has Trump got to lose?

Join us in this original piece of performance art in which reality collides with fantasy. You can claim your piece of original art by sending us a message to the studio, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook etc. Each piece of original art will come with its own unique Knavecoin paper wallet address, which verify that your poster is one of an original work.

The life coaching session will feature Maria Lynch as herself ( and Stephen Neal as Donald Trump.

Donald Trump Punk Rocker

Donald Trump