…and more dramas…!

Unnecessary Dramas

Unnecessary Dramas

What a week! A week when I did business with a guy who’s politics was so right wing he made Hitler come across as a bleeding heart liberal. His views was so extreme it actually made me scared that he might go out and do some serious damage and I was there when he made his mind up.

I did manage to inject some informative reasoning, but, after hearing and understanding my points that basically he was wrong and I was right, his views did not make historically sense and he bordered on delusional, he reverted back to type and went on and on. OK i am blatant about my opinions but at least I know what I am talking about and I don’t take my cue from lazy right wing journalism he idolise.

The week went further wrong when I basically got drunk and played great poker but ended up losing to  some weak players who didn’t grab the concept that when I raise big, In a late position I have the hand please leave the hand. Twice I got called and twice I lost to the weakest starting hand. Yes if I had just flat called I would have been better, but pot committed is not good – in bingo poker.

Then came the big one, the website was off line for nearly half a day. Why, well some mix up in software programming and in the marketing process was due, but, luckily Barack Obama and common sense came into play. I do not need another week like this at all.