Summer Solstice Poker

Summer Solstice Poker 2014

Summer Solstice Poker 2014

The summer is coming to a crescendo and the Sun has finally got it’s hat on (in other words the Sun is shining)! The Summer Solstice has a mystical element to the day so I am going to be in a theological frame of mind.

But, while the day is for chilling out watching horse racing, football and hot women in skimpy outfits, I can’t help thinking of those idiots who are running over to Iraq to join a death cult called ISIS. What is wrong with these guys?

OK you may have a religion you are proud of, you may believe that the demarcation lines drawn up by British and French imperialist last century were wrong. But, why do you want to join a bunch of nutjobs who glory in killing for the sake of killing? 

Don’t get me wrong I have these strong views concerning Christian crazy guys who steal children, hate women, deny evolution and climate change. They are just as bad and given the right conditions they would be running around killing apostates because their religion is about love etc etc.

So in this beautiful British weather with the chance of a serious late night playing poker, you have to put up with stories of idiots rushing abroad to kill and be killed over stories which cannot be verified and are verging on the unbelievable. 

It is time for a hippy revival. What is wrong with a Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King solution to issues? Why does everything have to be decided by violence and the glorification of violence? Not so long ago I supported using drones to sort out Boko Haram because of their stupidity and nonsensical ideology. I have changed my mind. Clearly these guys are on the verge of mental breakdown hence their dance to Derangeville. Just like the madness that has taken over the right in the USA and Greece where people will go out of their way to support anything that Obama stands for in the US or anything that Hitler stood for in Greece.

Instead of directing the hatred to people who have really taken liberties with the financial system hence creating the austerity program, they have taken it out on skin colour, asylum seekers, reading books and other forms of education, homosexuals and women who speak up for themselves. 

For the above ‘crimes’ the crazy nutjobs are prepared to kill and destroy. Some how the sensible people left must realise that we cannot placate or humour these individuals and groups, but using violence may not do the job. We have to find another way, and, we have to find it quickly before the mad and dangerous amongst us do any more damage.

So while I play another game of online S’n’G poker before going out shopping and spending the afternoon horse racing and football get your thinking hats on so we can do something to help these delusional individuals and groups. 

Mahatma Gandhi Speech

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Dr. King: Nonviolence is the Most Powerful Weapon

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