The Final Frontier Up Close

67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko (67P)

67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko (67P)

I have probably wrote this before, but when I am playing online poker I love nothing more than watching the images from space via NASA, ESA or some other space agency. It seems to calm me down and relax me when I get my inside straight draw busted. Yes my sense of entitlement is so strong that I get upset if my inside straight does not happen!

Anyway, this time it was the marvelous notion of landing a space craft on a comet that got me excited and relaxed at the same time. However due to problems with the craft and probably lack of foresight there was no ‘live’ pictures of the comet, just stuff about the scientist jumping around happy. To be fair if I was working on this mission I too would have jumped around like a pubescent teenager on crack. After all I jumped around like the afore mentioned crack taking pubescent teenager when I have managed to fill that inside straight, which after all is not on the same mathematical probability as landing a piece of equipment onto a fast moving object millions of miles away.

So I constantly watched the news for more tales of the exploit by the Rosetta space probe orbiter, and, the Philae robotic lander and as I watched I wondered why they were called the names they were called and this led to the inevitable legacy of colonization and subjugation by greedy governments and low moral organisations. Yes it led to better understanding of Egyptian  hieroglyphics but the by product is the problems we have now in the Middle East and Africa. One day we will work out a way of gaining knowledge without having to brutally exploit large amount of people to get it.

Due to the fact that I could not find the ideal live pictures I believe that it led me to lose the games I were in. This had nothing to do with the large amount of beer I had or the poor judgement I exhibit while playing the games. It is never my fault, it is the fault of others as yet not described…if it is good enough for the weird right wing populist politicians we are having in the West, it is good enough for me.