Police in South Korea arrested 33 people who were involved in a massive plan to steal money from online poker players by installing files onto machines and viewing the cards as they were dealt.
This audacious plan involved software which was brought from China for roughly $2,800 (apparently the price is now $12,000) and used the “distribution of denial of service” (DDOS) software to attack computers and infect 11,000 computers at 700 PC rooms across the country.
They manage to steal about $45,000 before the operation was stopped by the police. Now the potential for more loses were a lot more but it was determined on the security service not wanting to do anything about a massive Netbot Attacker being let loose.
Apparently the Chinese and South Korea are working together to stamp this out but I have a suggestion – why not pose as a hacker and buy one, then you have the banking details of the supplier and probably location?
It has been rumoured that North Korea are involved in creating these types of program as part of their war against the imperial capitalist dogs that want to control North Korea. To be perfectly honest I cannot see what bonus would be gotten from controlling North Korea, it has no oil, minerals or cash.