The revolution is still going, but the road is full of obstacles and traps. Continue to get your friends to download the wallet and let us know via Twitter, email etc and we will send you Knavecoins. Keep the faith!
The revolution is still going, but the road is full of obstacles and traps. Continue to get your friends to download the wallet and let us know via Twitter, email etc and we will send you Knavecoins. Keep the faith!
Happy Birthday Knavecoins Happy Birthday Knavecoin From Another Fan Send us your video to the birthday tune and get 1,000 Knavecoins straight to your wallet. How cool is that?
Sid the Sexist gives lessons on how to chat up a ‘pet’ (woman) in a disco. If anyone is brave enough to try Sid the Sexist methods, and, scores please let me know.
The brilliance of Viz cannot be overstated – always funny, always irreverent and never boring! For those who have never read it, you have missed out on one of Britain’s funniest publications. They present a world which looks like 1950’s Britain but populated by people from the 1990’s.So you have a world where everything post […]