PokerKnave's Blog

Real Quantitative Easing For Europe

The European Central Bank (ECB) is about to give money to the super rich and the future generation of the working population who are not in the super rich bracket will pay for it! The ECB hope to kick start the European economy and get investment oiling the wheels of industry by doing a big […]

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PokerKnave's Blog

Save The Bees

Lets get one thing straight. Bees are cool! They just fly around being busy and pollinate flora so that we can enjoy eating fruit and drink beer. Yes my emotions are very base but why not protect something that basically keeps us alive? Apparently one of our no mark ministers went to the Europe and voted […]

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PokerKnave's Blog

The Iron Lady, Dies!

One of 20th Century more significant figure died today. Margaret Thatcher, had utter changed the way the UK and the World behave that it is clear she will be up there with Mahatma Ghandi, Mao, Mandela etc as being a truly transformational figure and icon. Born into a lower middle class background Mrs Thatcher initiated the greatest […]

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PokerKnave's Blog
PokerKnave's Blog

Trading With The Magical Tipster

Sometimes you don’t have to win a competition to win money. Take for instance The Magical Tipster’s tip on backing the draw in the Ryder Cup yesterday. MT predicted that the rankings on all players was pretty close between the United States and Europe’s players so take a position of backing the draw with a […]

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PokerKnave's Blog