PokerKnave's Blog

The Punk Rock President Takes Over

bet on donald trump

When I declared that if Donald Trump wins the US election he would effectively become the first ‘Punk Rock President’ to have taken over a major society. I truly hoped that what I was writing would be seen as hyperbole, just my usual over the top writing when I am bored with playing online poker.  However, […]

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PokerKnave's Blog

Post Sensible Times

9/11 started it when religious fascist declared war on modernity by using modern technology. Lehmans’ Day when the banking system collapsed and the losses were socialised so all taxpayers will pay for a long time, but, the profits were privatised, gave it a boost and Donald Trump becoming President was the coup de grâce. We now […]

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PokerKnave's Blog

Is Global ‘Austerity Measure’ A Busted Flush?

The story of ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ comes to mind about news that the doctrine which has basically turned millions into serfs and peasants, hurt many by deliberately creating mass poverty, and, probably led to deaths of many, has been destroyed by a 28-year-old economics graduate student who had the temerity to have actually look at the […]

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PokerKnave's Blog

A Horse, A Horse, My Burger For A Horse

I have been reluctant to write about this subject as I have had horse meat in France and it was OK. However, I would be very upset if I paid for beef and was served horse meat instead. Clearly ‘light touch’ regulation has not worked again!  Newspapers, banking and now the food industry have all […]

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PokerKnave's Blog

Is Mitt Romney Going To Drop Out?

The look says it all! Is this the time that Ann Romney knew that the game was up? How can her husband carry on when all around him the sub-ordinates are actively positioning themselves to run for President in 2016? By positioning themselves for 2016 it is clear that they know in their heart that […]

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PokerKnave's Blog

Politics As Performance Art

Clint Eastwood RNC Speech (COMPLETE): Actor Assails Obama It was brilliant to watch! Almost like a Monty Python sketch on acid tabs. Clint Eastwood completely over turned the concept of a political endorsement. The 82 year old went on the Republican stage and attacked the leaders who did not consult with Russia about Afghanistan – […]

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