It has only taken 3 weeks to see the wheels fall off the Trump clown show jalopy. Mike Flynn the nut job racist, who hated Muslims and anything not aligned to his neo-nazi philosophy has gone. He went because he lied about giving the Russians guaranteed relief from US sanctions for their help in the […]
Vladimir Putin
Remembering The ‘Good War’
As the march from the populist right wing is sweeping the Middle East and now Europe, on this day of all days we should look to the generation that saved us from fascism, racism, colonialism and sexism. As Putin rampages across mature democracies financing divisive groups like UKIP, France’s National Front and Wikileaks no wonder […]
The Trump Gang – Psychotic, Sycophantic and Grotesque.
The men who are running the show for Donald Trump are Julian Assange, Vladimir Putin, Chris Christie, Roger Ailes, Stephen Bannon, Rudy Giuliani and Newt Gingrich! The Trump Gang are psychotic, sycophantic and grotesque. They know what they are doing as they see that a plutocratic playboy will bring about a revolt against education, science […]
An Ode To Putin
Use the rhythm method, parents? No right to criticise true talent Children to pester parents. Have a functioning relationship. But the cockroaches wear hard hats. Away from my troops say Vladimir Putin Cliches and cheesy chats. Senile, with it being the full tin Has been used for anti-socialism. Putin – The Megalomaniac Unbounds Horse racing […]
Putin – The Megalomaniac Unbounds
The Tsar of the new Russian Empire is currently speaking to the Russian people which will go on for a very long time. In the meantime those that oppose Mr Putin bullying and land grabbing are quietly squeezing the finances of Russia to teach him not to push his weight around. Using financial sanctions is […]
Putin’s Bluff Is Called
So Putin didn’t want to go into Syria because invading a country to save a population – the anti-Assad opposition – was not right. However, it is alright to invade Ukraine to protect a population so long as Russia is doing the invasion? Mr Snowden, Obama et al you’ve been had! Putin is looking to […]
Sochi Closing
Well we come to the end of Sochi 2014, and the most expensive public relation exercise by a political beast since the US Congress decided to define sexual relations at the end of the 20th Century. The fact that they did not include fellatio or cunnilingus in their definition says more about US Congress than […]
Pussy Riot v Putin’s Olympics
Pussy Riot getting whipped by Cossack police is not the image Vladimir Putin wanted to show the world! It may mean his tough guy image is safe, but, it also mean he has a trouble with punk rock women who sing songs about stuff. Why is he so scared of women in silly mask singing rubbish […]
Sochi Uproar
Sochi 2014 is Vladimir Putin big party to show the world how great Russia is. Apparently it is the most expensive games in history and will get more expensive when the bills roll in for the security. Primarily the security is about keeping the various separatist from using the games as a platform for their […]
The Russians Are Coming!
The Russians are all over the news in the UK! They are at the heart of Germany’s beef with Cyprus. The Germans are claiming that the Cypriot banks are nothing more than clearing houses for Russian criminal gangs, therefore the Cypriot government should not get a bail out so that the money stashed by […]