PokerKnave's Blog
PokerKnave's Blog

The Punk Rock President Takes Over

bet on donald trump

When I declared that if Donald Trump wins the US election he would effectively become the first ‘Punk Rock President’ to have taken over a major society. I truly hoped that what I was writing would be seen as hyperbole, just my usual over the top writing when I am bored with playing online poker.  However, […]

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PokerKnave's Blog

Remembering The ‘Good War’

As the march from the populist right wing is sweeping the Middle East and now Europe, on this day of all days we should look to the generation that saved us from fascism, racism, colonialism and sexism. As Putin rampages across mature democracies financing divisive groups like UKIP, France’s National Front and Wikileaks no wonder […]

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