PokerKnave's Blog

Poker Steal My Suhshine

How are you supposed to play online poker when the Sun is so gorgeous? The Sun is so beautiful at the moment I am so tempted to forget about pre-flop raise and go out and check out the fillies while enjoying a pint or two in some city centre bar. This is such a tough […]

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PokerKnave's Blog

The Joy Of Pub Poker

Why settle for a swanky casino, getting your drinks brought to you, having the staff refer to you as ‘Sir’, and, most of all surrounded by clean atmosphere and clean toilets, when you can partake in a night walking the wild side with f&ckwits who have been committing incest and robbing old ladies?ante Yes my […]

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PokerKnave's Blog

Weekend Of Fun And Frolics

Sometimes when you’re losing at poker it is a good idea to do something which will stop you festering on how badly you’ve been playing. Now, this is not an excuse for my bad choices in any game it is a fact that I have heard from mug players to high rollers you need time […]

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PokerKnave's Blog

Fantasist Of Poker

The problem of being involved in poker, pubs and online marketing is that you do end up dealing with a load of nutters, dreamers and plain downright weirdo’s. I would like to put myself in this category and probably include politicians. C’mon lets be honest when you play poker you are basically putting money on a turn of […]

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PokerKnave's Blog

Empty Pubs Are Good….Apparently!

Ignorance is bliss, stupidity is wonderful! The next person who tells me they want to think about having an empty pub or a thriving pub then I shall scream from the highest point my phrase of the year ‘Ignorance is bliss, stupidity is wonderful’! Why do you have to think about the reason for not […]

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PokerKnave's Blog


IPC: We are the True Voice of Publicans The newly formed Independent Pub Confederation last night told a meeting of MPs that it and not the BBPA was the true voice of publicans and lessees and set out a clear set of proposals which it believes will deliver the change required to secure the future […]

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