PokerKnave's Blog

The Magical Tipster Is The Boss

Well done to the tipping master for cashing in on his bet of 2015. As you can see from the tweet The Magical Tipster made a big play for Donald Trump getting the nomination at a massive price, all things considered. Ha also made a great call on The UK voting for Brexit at 2/1 […]

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PokerKnave's Blog

Fox News And Birmingham

The lunacy of Fox News is spreading over the World. Apparently Birmingham in England is a city which now belongs to some sort of Muslim caliphate according to a Fox News security expert! Obviously this is untrue but that is not the concern of Fox News, it suits their narrative that Muslims are bad and […]

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PokerKnave's Blog
PokerKnave's Blog

Rick Santorum As A Poker Player

Rick Santorum is a world class famous character. Specially along with his presidential election campaigns, he becomes more popular and people were gathering around him. However, he is a nice character. Before he becomes a presidential contender, he was a good poker player who had lots of skills of the game. He has lots of […]

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PokerKnave's Blog
PokerKnave's Blog

Political Cassandra Strikes Again…Maybe!

On August 30th 2012, I made a bet that Paul Ryan could be the Republican nominee for President of The United States of America! A bit of a wild call, but I backed it up by betting £2.86 at 879/1, which is basically the price of a pint.  I then compounded my views with a […]

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PokerKnave's Blog

Is Mitt Romney Going To Drop Out?

The look says it all! Is this the time that Ann Romney knew that the game was up? How can her husband carry on when all around him the sub-ordinates are actively positioning themselves to run for President in 2016? By positioning themselves for 2016 it is clear that they know in their heart that […]

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PokerKnave's Blog

Politics As Performance Art

Clint Eastwood RNC Speech (COMPLETE): Actor Assails Obama It was brilliant to watch! Almost like a Monty Python sketch on acid tabs. Clint Eastwood completely over turned the concept of a political endorsement. The 82 year old went on the Republican stage and attacked the leaders who did not consult with Russia about Afghanistan – […]

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PokerKnave's Blog
PokerKnave's Blog