At this important time in which a comrade for change has died it is important to get back in touch with ones radical self, hence it is important to get ya mojo back and to do this is to sing some songs.
Here is the one that you will hear over and over again in the next few weeks. It is invariably called Tshotsholosa or Shosholoza and if you do not want to change the world after singing this you will never want to do anything.
Here are the lyrics and the videos will help you get in tune. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!
The ANC changed Rhodesia to South Africa but it could be changed to any country you want it to be.
In English, “Steam away, steam away over the hills, you train from Rhodesia.
You are fast-moving through hills, steam away, you train from Rhodesia.“
Tshotsholosa, ezontaba stimela siphuma erhodesia
Tshotsholosa, ezontaba stimela siphuma erhodesia
Solo: Tshosholosa, ezontaba stimela
(Chorus: Tshosholosa, ezontaba stimela
siphuma erhodesia)
Solo: Tshosholosa, ezontaba stimela
(Chorus: Tshosholosa, ezontaba stimela
siphuma erhodesia)
Wena uyabaleka kweso ntaba stimela
(Wena uyabaleka kweso ntaba stimela
siphuna erhodesia)
Wena uyabaleka kweso ntaba stimela
(Wena uyabaleka kweso ntaba stimela
siphuna erhodesia)
Tshosholosa, ezontaba stimela
(Tshosholosa, ezontaba stimela siphuma erhodesia)
Tshosholosa, ezontaba stimela
(Tshosholosa, ezontaba stimela siphuma erhodesia)