New Prime Minister, New Politics


Theresa May - New Prime Minister

Theresa May – New Prime Minister

A new Prime Minister will be in place today and she will be the luckiest Prime Minister ever! Without a single vote outside from around 200 Conservative MP’s she has managed to climb the greasy poll and win the game of political poker without breaking sweat.

She was on the wrong side of the referendum vote yet she managed to see of David Cameron, George Osborne, Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and finally Angela Leadsom! OK Angela Leadsom was never a dangerous opponent but having complete destroyed her finally opponent before the printer could set the type to print the ballot paper just show how brilliant her campaign was.

On top of this the official opposition has decided to become a cult. Jeremy Corbyn, according to 80% of the Labour MP’s is a bad leader. Yet hundreds of thousands of people are joining the party because they think he is the best leader since Mao, Ghandi, King, Mandela and Churchill all put together.

According to the Corbynistas, Jeremy Corbyn will lead Labour down a shining path of glory in which all sins and ailments will disappear, the wickedness of capitalism will be banished forever and humanity will  stop going to war. Theresa May must be happy to see Jeremy Corbyn as her opponent and will do what ever she can to keep him in position for the next election.

Some may say that I am unfair to Jeremy Corbyn, but he has no option now if he want to be seen as an proper leader but to get rid of the 172 MP’s who have no faith in him. His legacy could be the splitting of the party. How severe will depend on the ego of Mr Corbyn? Napoleon was always impressed with lucky generals.

So as Theresa May enters Number 10 she can look back at a campaign which started on the 23rd of June – the day of the referendum – that her plan, if there was a plan, has been carried out successfully.

Jeremy Corbyn – I’m on the ballot paper in the Labour Party leadership contest

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