Romney Loves London…Not!

London 2012 Olympics

London 2012 Olympics

So Romney thinks the London Olympics 2012 will not be as great as the Salt Lake Olympics in Utah because:

1. He aint running it.

2. It’s not in Salt Lake City, Utah.

3. The people running it do not wear magic pants.

4. The people running it do not subscribe to a religion which was created so the ‘prophet’ could have sex with loads of women married to other men.

5. He had travel to London so he can deposit more money in Switzerland and avoid paying tax back home.

6. He believes that Anglo Saxon culture need a war with Iran.

7.  David Cameron does not act like a klutz in someone elses backyard.

8. We wont use our ass (or in Mitts language backsides) to view the world.

9. We wont call Ed Milliband, Mr Leader.

We are so glad that he came over here to point these facts out that the nation will be united in booing his wife Anne Romney’s horse in the dressage which is the first time a large amount of people will take interest in the sport. When he goes to Poland and visit Auschwitz lets hope he will point out that they should somehow get over remembering what the Nazis did.

Somehow I think this is a plot to get the UK to support Boris Johnson and David Cameron of the Conservative Party as was seen by the reaction in Hyde Park.

Why do the US like dumbass leaders such as Mitt Romney and Dubya Bush?

London Mayor Boris Johnson responds to Romney gaffe.

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