Up Yours Romney!

Romney Shambles

Romney Shambles

Well I hope Mr Romney was watching the opening ceremony for the London Olympics 2012. It may not have been as earnest as his wonderful Salt Lake City games, which no one seems to remember or care about other than him and his supporters, but we seemed to have a rather intelligent, witty and fun night for the opening ceremony.

Sorry to disappoint Mr Romney and his prancing horses but we do like a national health service and this was what the people got . With Mary Poppins acting like a soviet commissar and putting the children safely to bed, this will obviously damn us to a condemnation from Mitt Romney for wanting to look after people no matter the size of their wallet.

Yes we do not vote in your elections and that’s lucky for you, because you would be laughed off the political stage as a man with no class, style, diplomacy or sense of empathy. It was once said if you can fake sincerity and pull it off then you will be a success. Obviously your countrymen need a crash course in irony, if they vote you to be their leader. 

I will not comment on President Obama because he breaks all our prejudice, by being sensible, hard working and quite likeable. We like US Presidents to be like you, thick, one dimensional and witless, because it helps us feel that it was your loss when you decided to rebel against our crown. An intelligent US leader only creates problems for us because it gets us to question the whole monarchy thing, well done!

Now you can go back knowing that we cant stand you or your Salt Lake City highlights because we smashed your lack luster opening ceremony into smithereens. Yes things can still go wrong but at least we still have Sir Paul McCartney and Dizzee Rascal and you can keep your magic stones in your hat.

Just to remind you here is your opening ceremony and compare it with ours….no contest really!

Salt Lake City Opening Ceremony

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Daniel Craig (James Bond) and Queen Elizabeth Parachute Into London Olympics Opening Ceremony

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