Unfettered Capitalism And Poker

Pope Francis

I like this guy who is now the absolute ruler of the Vatican and the catholic faith. He is confirming everything I believe right now and it is time we looked critically at whether capitalism can work without rules except the rules of the market which are the market rules.

there will never be a true free market and anyone who say there are free markets are basically lying to you and really do not believe that markets left alone will provide wealth for everyone. Why would a free market be determined to create wealth for everyone? Why would a free market be free from corruption, nepotism and criminal acts? Therefore you will always need rules and regulation.

The only time when there should be totally liberated markets is when you are playing poker. Poker is about destroying your enemy by any means necessary. Even crooked means are tolerated – if you do not get caught. if you get caught cheating you are guilty of being caught, and, not cheating.

Pope Francis understand that in a free society there must be regulation and constraints. This will make certain people to lose their heads especially since the see Catholicism is against Marxism and all its form…apparently. But you can’t knock the guy he wants to look after the poor and he believes that Jesus, the philosopher he follows wanted his followers to look after the poor.

Marxism is good at analysis but its solutions need more work I tend to agree with Pope Francis on this point. Unfettered capitalism is great in Texas hold ’em, rubbish in a hospital or school.