Poverty Porn and ‘Benefit Street’

Benefit Street

‘James Turner Street the location of ‘Benefit Street’.

David Cameron and his allies in the media are going full tilt for more austerity to be visited on the poor and disadvantage before the 2015 election. As with anything the revolution will be filmed and then televised, usually by pampered public school boys who bring along the life experience in having lived in a ‘des res’ squat in the worst part of Shoreditch one summer when they were at Oxbridge.

The program shown is well edited to illicit those who like to point and condemn, to point and condemn! The pointing and condemning are usually along the lines of ‘welcome to Labour’s Britain’, ‘the joys of mass immigration’, ‘my taxes are paying for people to sit on their arses’ etc.

As this example of right wing propaganda is shown, the government say that they will cut the budget of welfare to save the nation from paying for the work shy to live the life of luxury while others have to slave endless hours to pay the rent. In the meantime they then argue that taxes of the rich must be cut to encourage them to ‘trickle down’ their wealth to create more jobs.

As you may gather this is despicable and is yet another reason why communism is missed and needs to come back to deal with these types.

The reason why this stinks is that ‘Benefit Street’ is aimed at making the poor fight amongst themselves for the meagre resources which have been squirrelled away by bankers and multinationals who will not pay their taxes. The fact that Starbucks ‘buy’ their coffee from a subsidiary based in Switzerland making Switzerland one of the worlds leading coffee exporting countries, so that they can save taxes is not that important. However, when a couple or low intelligent welfare recipient fiddle the system and get caught is big news just show how things are being set up for the future. 

The joy that the producers of ‘Benefit Street’ had when they showed British welfare recipients having a go at some Romanian workers was so obscene. The fact that the Romanian workers were being royally shafted by their employer was not presented to the welfare recipient so they could see how their hatred was being misplaced encapsulate the reason for this program. 

Apparently in a scene in which the residents are sitting on sofas and chairs on a nice summers day did not tell the whole story how the residents were told to get the sofas and chairs from another street so that the film crew could get the picture they wanted of layabouts living the good life on benefits.

Poverty porn is big business right now and as with The Jeremy Kyle Show there will be willing participants ready to sell their lives for a Big Mac and fries. There will then be a load of people who will rise up in moral outrage to condemn these individuals. Welcome to the 2015 election campaign!

Welcome to James Turner Street | Benefits Street (S1-Ep1) | Channel 4

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