Donald Trump
Oh please find something on Donald Trump and release it asap. I cannot take it anymore, I am addicted to the madness going on in the US of A.
I know he is a dead man walking. There is no way can he be president for any length of time so be prepared for President Pence. But, keep him there for at least a while or do not let him have an inauguration.
Donald Trump is a 24 carat joke. He blatantly lies and uses props in his scams. Take the press conference in which he had piles of paper on stage to show how he is separating himself from his business. It wasn’t real!
I like having news on while grinding on poker, however, my concentration is really suffering. I cannot stop looking at the latest Trump outrage and the almost surreal support his fans post online – it is hilarious.
‘Drain the swamp’ should be changed to ‘drain the bladder’ if what the sup-prime, low rent James Bond – Chris Steele, is to be believed.
Clearly MI6 see Trump as a danger especially when it comes to NATO and now civil rights legend John Lewis has come out and said the unsayable and declare Trump as an illegitimate president. These things do not happen without careful thinking.
Can Trump stand the pressure? No! He cannot last the four years as his ties with Russia is too damaging. The coup de grâce cannot come too soon as it is making the US government, society and leadership look like a semi-conscious country led by a simpleton.
Reynard News – God Save The Donald

Just Stop I Can’t Concentrate
Damn you did me like that
You guys gave me a ripped hat
MAGA alive
It ain’t right why you saying shit
This is more bullshit
Don’t let it land home
Never believing that one again
Drive safe because of the rain
Your Russian princess
This shower of rain is so soothing
I mean I guess