PokerKnave's Blog

The Trump Gang – Psychotic, Sycophantic and Grotesque.

Donald Trump - Birther In Chief

The men who are running the show for Donald Trump are Julian Assange, Vladimir Putin,  Chris Christie, Roger Ailes, Stephen Bannon, Rudy Giuliani and Newt Gingrich!  The Trump Gang are psychotic, sycophantic and grotesque. They know what they are doing as they see that a plutocratic playboy will bring about a revolt against education, science […]

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PokerKnave's Blog

Edward Snowden Off To Iceland

Edward Snowden is a man who has a date with destiny. After letting the whole world know that the most powerful nation the world has ever seen spies on everyone via a thing called  Prism, is on the run from that said country. To be called a traitor by Dick Cheney is equivalent to being called […]

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