According to Gambling 911 Pokerstars and Full Tilt Poker have had their accounts frozen < LINK > to the tune of $30 million dollars.
Now in the world of online poker this is massive news and the reasons for this is unclear. So the best thing to do is withdraw your money if you can and wait and see. I have written to Full Tilt and waiting to see what they say before I recommend using the site.
Meanwhile I have sent out reminders about the PokerKnave Solstice Freeroll< LINK> just to remind people to make sure that they get registered and signed up before Sunday 21st and definitely before the 7pm (GMT) start.
Don’t forget the password POKERTOTTY and it is free to enter, so it wont cost you a penny.
While we are talking about legal stuff please remember that if you are from these countries you cannot take part – sorry 🙁
Afghanistan | AF | |
Algeria | DZ | |
American Samoa | AS | |
Angola | AO | |
Antigua & Barbuda | AG | |
Armenia | AM | |
Azerbaijan | AZ | |
Belarus | BY | |
Bosnia & Herzegovina | BA | |
Costa Rica | CR | |
Djibouti | DJ | |
Guam | GU | |
Indonesia | ID | |
Iran, Islamic Republic Of | IR | |
Iraq | IQ | |
Kazakhstan | KZ | |
Kyrgyzstan | KG | |
Lebanon | LB | |
Malta | MT | |
Morocco | MA | |
Netherlands Antilles | AN | |
Nigeria | NG | |
Northern Mariana Islands | MP | |
Pakistan | PK | |
Puerto rico | PR | |
Rwanda | RW | |
Tajikistan | TJ | |
Turkey | TR | |
Turkmenistan | TM | |
United States | US | |
United States minor outlying Islands | UM | |
Uzbekistan | UZ | |
Viet nam | VN | |
Virgin Islands, British | VG | |
Virgin Islands, u.s. | VI |