Jesse Sylvia 43,875,000
Andras Koroknai 29,375,000
Greg Merson 28,725,000
Russell Thomas 24,800,000
Steven Gee 16,860,000
Michael Esposito 16,260,000
Robert Salaburu 15,155,000
Jacob Balsiger 13,115,000
Jeremy Ausmus 9,805,000
Playing for:
1. $8,527,982
2. $5,292,889
3. $3,797,558
4. $2,850,494
5. $2,154,616
6. $1,640,461
7. $1,257,790
8. $971,252
9. $754,798
I have just realised that the ‘World Cup’ of poker final is now being held in October and not in November due to something about electing the leader of the free world, which happens at around the same time.
Fair enough, but I must admit I have not really been buzzed with any hype and only wanted to know because I had a bet with someone that I will pick the winner out on the first day. Maybe it was the hullabaloo over the Olympics, Euro 2012 and of course that election that may have distracted me and, therefore I will be paying more attention and look out for slight flaws in each competing player.