Macau Madness Here I Come

Macau Madness

Macau Madness

I have been invited to go to Macau and boy am I looking forward to it. The offer has come from a friend of a friend who is letting it be clear that there will be benefits and it is not an extra portion of pudding!

She is a nice lady who is on the ladder to higher reaches of power within industry so I will have to behave myself which I can do. My biggest surprise is the prices of the hotel. If this is true and not just some marketing ploy from the websites owners then I cannot believe the standard of living with the chance of 24 hour gambling.

The downside to Macau is the property prices which seem a bit over the top, but compared to London it is not that bad. Anyway I am up to going to Macau just hope my friend does not change her mind.

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