Google Glasses Must Die!

Google Glasses

Google Glasses

I have been hearing loads about Google glasses for a long time, but, I have tried to keep well clear from the hype because as you can witness in the picture the smug, vacuous, compliant look on the devotees faces is enough to elicit major earthquake of shivers down your spine.

Why would you want to join these guys and walk around making Google tons of money by buying these glasses so Google can constantly monetise your views of the world. Then right out of the blue, major casino’s say they will not entertain gamblers coming into the casino with Google glasses on. The reason for their thinking is that people will be able to use them for card counting, replaying old hands, staking out the casino for robbery etc etc. 

All of a sudden Google glasses became interesting and this is a blatant set up by investors in Google to ban something which then makes it super cool because people like me who represent the cynical but gullible spectrum of society and our apparent ability to turn a dull, uneventful thing into a raging ‘must have’ by eulogising vociferously on its counter culture merits.

 You might think that I am being my usual big headed, full of myself being. However, when you look at the facts it is clear that Google’s ”do no evil”, Apple’s ”Think different” and “…and You’re Done” clearly should be ”do loads of dodgy stuff”, ”think like us and don’t ask questions” and ”you’ve been done”. So here we go on the jolly new shiny thing that we must have because it is going to change the world and make us intrinsically linked to corporate and governmental powers.

R.E.M. – Shiny Happy People

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