A Plea From A Bleeding Heart

Hamzah Khan

Hamzah Khan

How can we do this to our children? All the children of the world need protection, yet we constantly stand aside and watch as they are mistreated, abused and killed. This picture of poor little Hamza Khan must haunt the stony of stone hearts. The sheer pity in the boys face is horrible to view, but we all know that similar and worst is happening right now.

Stalin once said that one death was a tragedy but a million death was a statistic. Of course he was wrong but it does bring it home that there are millions of ‘Hamza Khan’ happening now around the world. Everything from child labour which makes iPhones to child warriors being forced to rape and pillage because some evil person has been talking to god and god has told him to prosecute war to get hold of diamonds.

What can I do as a bleeding heart liberal to help these young children? I try to vote for the right people, I try to send money to the right charities, yet the wave of evil seems to get bigger and stronger. I have given up on religion as it seems these religious leaders are only interested in lining their pockets. Do not get me wrong line your pocket all day long but please do not do it from a high moral ground. Just take the money and be honest that you are exploiting deluded customers or should that be believers.

So when you’re next having a major orgasm because you have brought the latest gadget or a piece of jewellery just think of poor Hamza Khan and have a thought for the mother that cant cope which will lead to another dead baby. Yes she was a drunk and totally self centred, but aren’t we all? This is not an excuse for her action it is a plea to stop this hatred which leads to children being treated ghastly, while we focus on shiny things.

The view from Apple’s Iphone 5 queue in London

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These people are really off the chart for the banality of evil.