Live Long And Prosper – Poem For Star Trek

Captain Kirk and Mugatu

Captain Kirk and Mugatu

It is now 50 years since Star Trek was first shown, firing the interest and imagination of all the geeks and nerds. Science has always been cool, but, now it had panache and flair in the form of fiction. The only problem with this fiction is that it became fact with floppy disk, tricorders and tablets. 

The only thing that tended to let the program down was the monsters who on the whole were rubbish. Monsters like the Mugatu were terrible and must have looked terrible in the 60’s. So to honour the greatest science fiction franchise (yes Star Trek is far superior to Star Wars) here is one of my sonnets.

Live Long And Prosper

Jim, he was such a good man
Klingon rage did make him a beast
Describe Mugatu as an abominable snowman
‘Vietnam War’ nearly stopped it being released

Show that better not interfere
Boldly go on with the fuse
Earth your communicator is here
Already portrayed in the Enterprise

Children won’t stop talking in class
Yes they can
Then raise a glass

Scotty beamed to the main stage
Technology, politics and science latest

Star Trek – Attack of the Mugatu

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