Can BitCoin Become Online Poker Unit Of Currency?



With the US government, the greater political class and entrepreneurs continue to procrastinate over online poker. Could BitCoin finally make the break through on the wider public conciousness by becoming the unit of currency for online poker?

It would make a lot of sense if it was the uni of currency and will finally let the US market become truly integrated in the world of online poker bypassing the US regulatory authority. Obviously the US would kick and scream but to all intense and purposes BitCoin would be no more different than all those virtual currency which go into FarmVille and SororityVille style games.

The US could not legitimately claim that any player or organisation was indulging in breaking the law. If they did then Facebook which facilitate virtual currency would be a massive front for money laundering. since they have loads of online games in which virtual things are brought and traded.  

There are at least one organisation I know that uses BitCoin for poker but it needs to be well advertised and maybe the old promotion technique that was used in the early days of online poker would come back into fashion. Ahh those days when you could double your initial deposit and play with double your bank. 

I would love to take the risk on this BitCoin fluff but it would clearly need a person who has the politics of a libertarian and the pockets of a well funded derivative trader to really do this idea justice. We await such a knight in shining armour.