Two stories in the last few days illustrate that some men in power have very negative tendencies towards women. 1 is the court case won by 170 former female employees (and 4 men) that it was wrong not to pay them the same rate of pay as men when both were in the same pay grade. 2 […]
Sir Fred Goodwin
Daily Digest #42
Jack Reynard brings you an update edition with a chat about Sir Fred Goodwin now a victim of anarchist, the saga of Alfie Patten, Chantelle Steadman and baby Maisie roxanne and the DNA results, and, of course Jack Tweed search for an income source now his wife Jade Goody has died.
The Daily Digest #33
The Demonstration Edition. The first topic is the demo outside Royal Bank of Scotland which looked outnumbered by the police. The second demo was by Leila Deen who threw green custard into Lord Mandelson’s face, and, the third was the demo of love for Michael Jackson at the O2 Arena, when he announced his farewell […]