PokerKnave's Blog

Biden The Destroyer

It seems that President Biden is going to destroy another bug bear and finally kill the silliest economic argument ever devised by a democratic country, trickle-down economics. Trickle-down economics alongside sado-monetarism (collectively called supply side economics), has been the predominant economic ideas for the last 40 years. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has brought Keynesian style […]

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PokerKnave's Blog
PokerKnave's Blog

Tom Perkins Hero For The Working Class

Thank god for Tom Perkins! We need a pantomime villain and he fits the bill like a well tailored glove. Forget your illiterate Russian oligarchs, your retarded Caribbean robber baron or even your self important Asian slave driver; give us a old fashioned plutocrat with more money than sense and Karl Marx theory about wealth, […]

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PokerKnave's Blog

Is Global ‘Austerity Measure’ A Busted Flush?

The story of ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ comes to mind about news that the doctrine which has basically turned millions into serfs and peasants, hurt many by deliberately creating mass poverty, and, probably led to deaths of many, has been destroyed by a 28-year-old economics graduate student who had the temerity to have actually look at the […]

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PokerKnave's Blog
PokerKnave's Blog

Land of Byron, Lawrence and Hood

Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know was a phrase used by Lady Caroline Lamb to describe George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron. But it could be used for a whole host of Nottinghamshire heroes’.  Robin Hood – the original and classic English working class warrior. Some say he was a rich man who was defrauded of his wealth, and, […]

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PokerKnave's Blog

Art for art sake…

Yesterday I wrote a piece about a report written by Kyle Siler about poker called School of The Bleeding Obvious. In it I basically slammed the report called Social and Psychological Challenges of Poker for being a long tract saying in an email correspondence ‘…that being tight/aggressive and not playing too many hands is the […]

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PokerKnave's Blog

School of The Bleeding Obvious

There is a august forum called ‘Journal of Gambling Studies’ which publish stuff on gambling and the its psychological effects on people and society. It maybe a worth while thing to read and is probably a great thing to partake in. However, you do have to wonder why would anyone spend so much time to […]

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