The bankers are beginning to lose faith in their easy meal ticket – according to the Financial Times. Apparently, the markets do not like craziness in a president, even though it is highly amusing to see how the lunacy gripped America after a mixed race person became president in 2008. Donald Trump is revealing himself […]
Fox Hunting
Two big political acts happened in the last 24 hours which may have political ramifications later on. The first act was Theresa May letting it be known that fox hunting maybe brought back! Fox hunting is about class and pleasure in acting out cruelty to animals. People may wrap it up about culture, tradition and […]
Managing Political Risk
With elections in the air all over the place, like poker you have to manage the risk of position and what you would want as an outcome. The Tories in the UK just had a stonking win in the local elections but are playing it down. They have a ‘fish’ in the form of Jeremy […]
Time For A Unity Government
As Theresa May call an election to increase her majority in the House of Parliament, destroy the Labour party ability to hold the government to account, isolate Nicola Sturgeon, increase the influence of Donald Trump’s America, selling off the National Health Service and bring in the most right wing government in decades. It is time […]
UKIP Implodes Via Douglas Carswell
As UKIP begin to implode just at the time of their biggest win, the leaving of the European Union. Here is a poem to their one and only MP, who is leaving to create a party of one. A UKIP MP Might be different interpretations You make of it as you progress If there are […]
50 Days Of Stupidity
“Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad” It looks like the American experiment of a constitutional democratic republic is well on the way to self destruction. I suppose the beginning started when pressure for free and open election, civil rights and a society for all, was opposed by the Southern racist and their […]
Brexit Are Go…
The white paper which gives the government view and proposal on how Brexit will happen when Theresa May triggers Article 50, has now published. It doesn’t say much apart from the 12 points that Theresa May stated in a speech previously. here are the 12 points: 1. ‘Certainty and clarity’ and a vote for Parliament […]
Poker v Politics
You may agree or disagree with Donald Trump, but, the one thing you can say is that he has made politics interesting and relevant. The phrase that his opponents ‘…take him literally, but not seriously, and, his supporters taking him seriously but not literally…’ is so prophetic and it will be written on his grave […]
A Person Who Called The Big Issues Right
As you can see from MT’s Twitter feed he called all the big issues correct including Trump getting the Presidency even though we did not want it to happen and forced him to keep it to himself. Donald Trump POTUS semi tip. The Three Big Tips Winning Theresa May becoming PM […]
Trump’s Coming!
The partial victory of Donald Trump is still sinking in. I as editor always thought that America may have had a bout of ‘Obama Derangement Syndrome’ since ‘Lehman’s Day’, but were far too sensible to actually go all the way and elect a blatant con merchant as President. Clearly being the ‘Birther-in-Chief’ was not a […]