PokerKnave's Blog

Trump Upsets The Markets

Donald Trump - Birther In Chief

The bankers are beginning to lose faith in their easy meal ticket – according to the Financial Times. Apparently, the markets do not like craziness in a president, even though it is highly amusing to see how the lunacy gripped America after a mixed race person became president in 2008. Donald Trump is revealing himself […]

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PokerKnave's Blog
PokerKnave's Blog
PokerKnave's Blog

Time For A Unity Government

As Theresa May call an election to increase her majority in the House of Parliament, destroy the Labour party ability to hold the government to account, isolate Nicola Sturgeon, increase the influence of Donald Trump’s America, selling off the National Health Service and bring in the most right wing government in decades. It is time […]

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PokerKnave's Blog
PokerKnave's Blog
PokerKnave's Blog

Brexit Are Go…

The white paper which gives the government view and proposal on how Brexit will happen when Theresa May triggers Article 50, has now published.  It doesn’t say much apart from the 12 points that Theresa May stated in a speech previously. here are the 12 points: 1. ‘Certainty and clarity’ and a vote for Parliament […]

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PokerKnave's Blog

Poker v Politics

Donald Trump - Birther In Chief

You may agree or disagree with Donald Trump, but, the one thing you can say is that he has made politics interesting and relevant. The phrase that his opponents ‘…take him literally, but not seriously, and, his supporters taking him seriously but not literally…’ is so prophetic and it will be written on his grave […]

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PokerKnave's Blog

A Person Who Called The Big Issues Right

As you can see from MT’s Twitter feed he called all the big issues correct including Trump getting the Presidency even though we did not want it to happen and forced him to keep it to himself. Donald Trump POTUS semi tip. The Three Big Tips Winning Theresa May becoming PM […]

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PokerKnave's Blog