PokerKnave's Blog

Political Rail Birds

It has been a week since the referendum vote and the political meltdown is happening. The Tories are looking for a new leader and Labour are about to split into two, unless, Jeremy Corbyn can get his head out of his backside and admit he is not a leader as he does not inspire business […]

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PokerKnave's Blog
PokerKnave's Blog
PokerKnave's Blog

Nicola Sturgeon As A Poker Player

After the so called TV debate between the leaders of 7 parties in the election it is clear there was only one winner and that was Nicola Sturgeon. Why she won is obvious because her party is only running in Scotland and therefore could say anything as it only applied in Scotland. This farce was […]

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PokerKnave's Blog

The Tipsters Are Coming….

  Out football will need a knock out. A ‘long-ball team’ Brilliant! Thing ever to come out of his mout To do with a man that likes lager. Him into the lion’s enclosure Jose Morinho is a ringer, no doubt You still holding the ladder….?”. In the cabinet? Ask Mrs Thatcher.   Is online poker […]

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PokerKnave's Blog
PokerKnave's Blog

Poker Imitating Life, Imitating Poker

  Poker as a game can relate to politics. With the Republicans crushing the Democrats in the 2014 mid terms, has created a situation in which the Republicans have a winning hand. The Republicans know it and the Democrats know it. However, there is the river card to come and do the Republicans make it […]

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PokerKnave's Blog

Shirley Temple And Prof Stuart Hall

Two iconic figures of the 20th Century died recently. Professor Stuart Hall and Shirley Temple Black. Both lived a full and eventful life and both changed the World in surprising ways.  Stuart Hall and Shirley Temple both used popular media to lift spirits and explain worldly events in a way that gave a clear picture […]

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PokerKnave's Blog
PokerKnave's Blog

The Problem For Rob Ford

Yes, we love this guy because he is seriously funny, and, apparently very frugal in his expenses claims. Which is excellent politics in my mind. However, if you are going to rant and rave like a crack dealer,and, it is clear he does think of himself as a hoodlum, then you must follow the rules.  […]

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